Monday, August 31, 2009

Freedom isn't free.

As I said earlier, i needed to really cool of after talking to my Mom. I wasn't upset at her but at her situation. She owns a house in Corpus and rents it under Sec. 8. Personally i feel that our country gives out too much in assistance to those who "need". I feel that our country is in the situation we are in because we give so much. Why do I have to pay taxes so some people can kick back at home collecting a check for nothing. Yes, I pay for unemployment. This is just insurance for just in case I lose my job. But damn people, get a fucking job! there is a man on Bandera Rd who waves at people and holds a sign for a furniture company. Dude has a job, not a very skill intensive job but a job. Unlike some asswipes who voluntarily go unemployment to collect a check. I've worked since I was 15. I even held 5 jobs at once!!!

Back to sec. 8, the renters trashed my mom's house. Section 8 said that the management company ANd my mom were charging the renter TOO MUCH MONEY!!! She friggin lady only pays $70/month!!! WTF!!! I've busted my ass to keep a roof over my head, waten only ramen noddles or mac n cheese for months to make rent.

I asked my mom to find an attorney and get rid of the management company. Pull the house out of sec. 8, screw 'em! If you can afford full rent them you can't afford it. Shit, if I wanted a Ferrari and asked the govt to help me since all I can pay is $50/month and the govt. program will pick up the rest our taxpayers expense. I say BULLSHIT!!! I know I sound hard get rid of govt. assistance programs and guess what...our deficit disappears. BTW Aremaco Inc in Corpus Christi is the management company who is trying to screw my Mom out of money due to their greed. they have NOT been taking care of the house at all.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Rocket Chair

As you can see we moved into a big girl seat. We are no longer using the rocket chair. It makes things a bit more challenging but since she is getting bigger it was getting harder to carry her. She loves that we have to put her in her chair instead of just sling her in the car. She is all smiles.

Today we took our little girl to get her 2 month shots. Oh the pain on her face when they stuck her. Yes, I teared up. She is sleeping now and waking up crying. Poor baby!

Monday, August 3, 2009

This one has me thinking

I've many strange dreams about my Dad. This one has me scratching my head. I was riding in a car which I thought I was driving. We were in Corpus driving to somewhere to eat. I know it was somewhere on North Beach under the bridge or close to it. We found a little place to eat, it had grass parking lot, white picket fence around it. Once inside, everything changed, I was now 18 to 20 something. The girl at the counter was flirting and the owner was very chatty about horse races. Mom and my brother found a little table outside. Dad and I were waiting for the food while the owner was checking the results off the horse races. Some how we had laid a bet down on a race, the owners face was twisted because the results were coming slow. So, I checked out my Iphone, the results were promising. The owner of the restaurant says "you guys... won!" We had picked two horses dead on. #4 first, #5 second and i can't remember third. The owner says we won...ready? $35,000! He said after splitting it 6 ways you get $6000. I'm still trying to figure out the 6 way split but this dream has had me freaking out all morning.