Would you be ready for the lights to go out? I've thought about this one for a long time. Most people today are not ready for an event such as this. Would you know how to feed your family? How about find water? Cook food WITHOUT electricity. Electricity is in EVERYTHING we do now. It's hasn't even been 60 some years that we went from an truly agricultural society to a technological society. If my phone dies I am toast. I should write things down like SSN's, birth dates, other important info but it's so easy to store it digitally. Society will fall. Read Lord of the Flies, watch The Postman or The Mist and you will see how society will act.
What do you do? Get some strike anywhere matches and a few quart baggies. Put the matchbox in one baggy. Fill another with DRYER lint. Get you some steel wool and a few 9 volts(they stay good FOREVER). All of these can be used to make a roaring fire.keep each of these separate, especially the steel wool and the batteries.
Do this now, read up on how to purify water. The simplest way is boiling, hence the fire. Read up on building or finding shelter. You don't know if your house will remain safe.
Always carry a bandana not to align yourself with the Crips or the Bloods but it is a fast way to drink "clean" water. I put clean in quotes because you are not safe from water borne diseases but you won't drink mud. The bandana will also protect you from the elements such as wind and sun.
Cover yourself from head to toe in layers. People are generally nice until something is taken away from them. So learn to protect yourself. I am not advertising this TV show it just got me thinking. There is more to survival in the wilderness.