Saturday, September 29, 2012

Shave and a haircut, 2 Bits

After sitting in a Barber shop for 2 hours today. My mind reached for ways to pass the time. I was messing with my phone for a while but I really miss the older days of cutting up with the Barber/Hairstylist. A good Barber Shop will have a group of characters. There will always be a discussion of sports, politics and women.

My first memory of a barber shop was one on Ayers Street in Corpus. I remember the leather strop to sharpen razor blades hanging off the chairs. I asked Dad what was it for, the barber didn't miss a beat, "to give noisy kids spankings!"

Years later, my Mom would take us to see Sandra at Mr. Louie's. She cut our hair for years. She became a close family friend. Whenever Dad would take us, I always noticed he would close his eyes. I never understood why Dad would sit in the chair and close his eyes, almost sleep while getting his hair cut.

As I got older, I ran into a hairstylist named, Tammy, at Louie Louie's. Yes, the same guy open both places. She seemed to know me in a chatty, flirty way. Had I met her before? I really don't think so, I REALLY would have remembered her. Tammy cut my hair for YEARS in Corpus. It got to a point that I didn't have to tell her how I wanted my hair cut, let it be known, I never crossed the line with her. She was my Barber/Hairstylist.

As I got older I ventured into getting professional shaves. If you have never had a professional straight razor shave, do it. It is so relaxing. At first I could not stand the hot towel, or the sound of the blade across my face. By the way, I HATE shaving. yet I love getting a real shave. Weird huh?

Now as I go to get a haircut I see why Dad would close his eyes. It is a very relaxing getting your haircut, when you trust the person cutting your hair. Something today told me I should have walked out. Usually everyone is great where I get my haircut. The guy who cut mine today looked like he had been at work a little too long and he stayed out a little too late. He was jonesing hard for a cigarette and his phone was buzzing away with text messages. I'm not happy with my haircut. So the question is now, go back and have them fix it, fix it myself or wear a hat until my next hair cut. It's not bad just not what I wanted. I was pissed off after waiting 2 hours, so I paid and walked out. So now do I find a new place?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's a beautiful day!!!

Driving back from dropping Venus off at work and this song came on the radio.  On our way I noticed people driving crazy, honking horns and cutting people off. This song reminded me that, It's your choice! You can think of all the bad things in your life. Yet, it IS a beautiful day. The sun is still going to rise. So what that they ran out of your favorite coffee at the Quicky Mart, the birds are still singing. It's a beautiful day don't let it get away. 

Your problems are small in the grand scheme of things. Will getting to work 10mins late really affect the outcome of the day? Well, it could affect how you see things. Those extra 10 mins in traffic could have been enjoying the sunrise, that crazy looking cloud that looked like a funky flamingo. You didn't see that one? Smile, enjoy your day. Trust me there are much bigger problems in the world. It IS a beautiful day, don't let it get away!

It's a Beautiful Day - U2
The heart is a bloom
Shoots up through the stony ground
There's no room
No space to rent in this town

You're out of luck
And the reason that you had to care
The traffic is stuck
And you're not moving anywhere

You thought you'd found a friend
To take you out of this place
Someone you could lend a hand
In return for grace

It's a beautiful day
Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away

You're on the road
But you've got no destination
You're in the mud
In the maze of her imagination

You love this town
Even if that doesn't ring true
You've been all over
And it's been all over you

It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
It's a beautiful day

Touch me
Take me to that other place
Teach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case

See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out

It was a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Beautiful day

Touch me
Take me to that other place
Reach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case

What you don't have you don't need it now
What you don't know you can feel it somehow
What you don't have you don't need it now
Don't need it now
Was a beautiful day

Weekend at my Grandpa's

In an attempt to resurrect my blog I will be reposting a few OLD posts. I spoke of a few about my Grandpa, here is the first. Enjoy!!

Reposted from May 11, 2008

This weekend I got to spend the weekend with my Grand father. My uncle took my grandmother to Dallas to visit.  My Grandfather didn't want to go so I was charged with watching over him.  It sounds weird, huh?  Me taking care of an 89 year old man.  I felt bad that I had to leave this afternoon.  We was so happy to have me there.  We went to lunch yesterday and he insisted on paying.  I took movies over to watch. He got a kick out of my favorite movie, The Three Amigos.  I ended up sleeping on the couch, oh my back and my neck!  Does anyone know a good masseuse?  I woke up late felt good to sleep late.  Funny thing, I never knew how much my Grandfather influenced me. WE went to luch and ordered the same thing.  I didn't  asked what he was getting and I was surprised when he ordered. It was hard to leave but I had to get home to get ready for work. I could tell that he wanted me to stay again. 

What was funny was talking to my Grandmother after! I didn't get to wish her a Happy Mother's Day. so I was telling her about the HUGE party Grandpa and I through. We had all kinds of fun while she was a away. Then I said, he didn't tell you? Even about the dancing girls? she had the biggest laugh!!