So how many commercials or infomercials about weight loss have you been bombarded with just today? I'd bet a lot! Let me get this out now. THERE IS NO FAST WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!
Whew! That's off my chest. I hear all the time especially from those close to me that they need to lose X amount of weight in the next month or in the next 10 days. It can't happen!!! Be happy with your body and work with what you have. Most people are over critical about themselves, Repeat this to your self, "I am beautiful!" Say that over and over to yourself. Don't say it, then say, but I need to lose this or if only this wasn't so jiggly. When you are happy with yourself you can do more.
Most people live in a constant state of dehydration. Those crazy headaches that you get for no reason is your body screaming at you saying GIVE ME WATER!!! If you are thirsty, you are way low on water. Yes, you will have to go more to the bathroom, when you first start taking in more water, but he human body will adjust.
Funny thing about the human body. When it's low on water, it holds more, you feel bloated. Solution, drink more water it releases all the excess and you feel better. Same is true with eating. Most people who are "trying to lose weight" restrict themselves from eating. Guess what the human body does? It keeps everything you do eat to protect itself. I would bet that you are below what you need to survive right now.
"Well I eat 1200 Calories a day!" A calorie is only a unit of measurement to determine how much heat is needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram water ONE DEGREE CELIUS. It takes 3500 calories to burn ONE POUND of fat!!! Does that mean stop eating? Go workout for 5 hours? How about eating better? Working out out smarter? Forget the calorie counting! If you eat clean, veggies and leaner meat you will see a HUGE difference. Restrict the amount of grease that you eat. You need fats to survive. In fact eating fats will aid you n exercise. That does not mean eat a pound of bacon before you go workout as tasty as that may be. Try this 40% Protein, 40% Carbs, 20% Fat. This can be adjusted to 40/30/30. With a diet like this, YOU MUST EXERCISE!!!! Sitting on your BUTT will only make your butt bigger!!
Why the higher protein? Protein helps with the building of muscles. Muscle burn fat. So the bigger your muscles the more fat they burn. Ladies, you will NEVER get muscles as big as a man. You do no have enough testosterone to support that muscle growth. However, if you do start to lift weights you will burn more fat. Spending an hour on an elliptical will help but not as fast as lifting heavier weights. So lose that mentality of if i lift I'll look like a man!
It will take some time. If you are trying to lose weight after a pregnancy, remember it took 9 months to put the weight on it will not come off in a month. If you are tired of the weight gain same thing, it took years to gain the weight, it won't "melt" off of you.
You will not get everything you need from your regular foods, you might have to supplement. Do your research, just because you see flashy ads about people dropping weight FAST doesn't mean its the best. "Mira, Juanita is using BRAND X and she lost 200lbs in 2months!" I call BS!!! I steered clear of supplements for some time. I did my research and found a great line that does work. If you want to know please
message me and I'll be more than happy to tell you what I use and have put my wife and family on with great results.