Here's a tip, find a tailor. If you can't find a tailor go to JC Penny's, Dillard's, Men's Warehouse or some other men's SUIT store and get fitted. Yes, every MAN should own a good suit, but the message here is find out your real size. I promise you, women will notice you when you are not tryin to stand out.
If you want people to treat you like a Man, then dress like a Man. If you feel that you're not getting respect, look at how you dress. You only get one chance to make a first impression. You could me the nicest, coolest ct on the block. If you dress like a thug, guess what I'm thinking as you walk up?
While I'm on the subject, a Baseball hat should fit down to the ears. Not resting on the top of the head. The brim should have a bend in it not be flat. The degree of bend is a personal preference, but there should be a bend. Also take the tags OFF! We all know how much a Rangers hat is, leave the tags for Minnie Pearl. Come on young men, step p and be a Man!
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