Give your dad a hug, give him a call, say a little prayer for him.
Happy Father's Day to all.
This is a re post from my old blog.
The hardest thing I've ever had to do

I'm writing this because I have to. It will help me. Two days ago I got a call you never want to hear. My dad died early June 4th, 2007 I'm still in shock! At first I didn't believe it, but still I through all kinds of clothes in a bag while calling my brother so I could make the trip down to Corpus. Now after being on this earth for 35 years I consider myself a grown man. But after having to plan my father's funeral and start to get his affairs in order I would say I have done some growing up. I want to thank my friends and family for their support.
"Rick", Ricky", or "Rick O", was a Jack of all trades and a Joker. He had the greenest of thumbs and could get any plant to grow. It was normal for Rick to buy a newspaper and read every word from front to back. He loved to read. Rick would light a room up with his personality, he could make anyone feel as if they knew him all their life and only just have met him 5 minutes ago. He was also a very generous man. Rick was always helping others. If he felt you needed the shirt off his back, he would have given it to you. He loved the outdoors, and going to "The Ranch" with his brothers, his sons, his nephews and his friends. He loved his family dearly, to him, friends were family. He will truly be missed but not forgotten.
Ricardo Omar Barrera Sr. June 28, 1947 - June 4, 2007
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