This has been in my head all morning and it has to be said or I'll explode!!
I've always have loved that line from Yoda. I firmly believe it too, but it is hard to follow. You have to be 100% committed to any endeavor or you will fail. Any hesitation any doubt and failure is there. An excuse is doubt, it is fear of failure
Yoda's view of fear?
Fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate... hate leads to suffering.
We fear failure, so we torment ourselves on the very thing. We create our own suffering. Give in do the very thing that scares the crap out of you. You may astonish yourself of the thing you are able to do. In a scene from Star Wars -The Empire Strikes Back, Luke is doubtful that he can lift the X-Wing, "It's to big" <-excuse! Yoda lifts the X-wing from the muck and says size matters not, shut up dirty minded people. 100% dedication that's it, no excuses, no hesitation, no doubts.
Focus your mind on your task at hand. Get rid of doubt, fear, hesitation, either it's done or it's not. Weight loss, a new diet, learning a language, a new kata, getting on with your life. Don't "try", DO!!
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