Friday, May 1, 2009

Are your feeling smoovy?

Have you heard of 212 degrees? It's a magical number, at 211.99999 degrees water is really hot but at 212 it becomes steam. Steam is an awesome force it can move a train it can create electricity and move mountains.

Well this blog is about another smovement, SMILE+MOVE. it's about being happy and doing something. How do you approach work? With, aw man another day another dollar or Woo hoo, my tps reports are almost done!!! Do you get a case of the mondays or do you say, TGIM! (Thank God its Monday) try that it will freak people out. Go to work this Monday with the same enthusiasm as you did on Friday.
When asked to do something for someone else (friend, family member, colleague, customer) does your YES say "yes, if I have to" or "yes, it would be my pleasure"? Join the smovement!!! BTW 5 weeks to go!!! My prediction is May 25th, that's when my little girl makes her grand appearance.