Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mammakkah!

To all those out there who are Moms, about to be Moms, thinking of being Moms and those that sub in as Moms. Happy Mother's Day. We can never truly appreciate the value of a Mother. She's always there for us even when she's not with us physically. We came from her body so the connection is strong. Moms will fight lions, lift cars stand in the way of death to protect there children. Thank your Mom for everything. Even if you are not speaking to her give her thanks. To all the men out there. Thank your wife for being a mother to your children. She endured alot to bring life to your little one. Her once tight body has stretched and swelled so a little can enter the world. She endured nights of no sleep, kicking, can't breath because the babies under her ribs, sore nipples, stretched out everything. If men had to go through what women do the human race would have died out long ago. Much love out to all Moms. Especially my Mom and my beautiful Wife. Love you from the bottom of my heart.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Numbers, numbers everywhere

For some time now I've been seeing numbers. Not just any number but some very specific numbers. At first I didn't think anything about it but then I started seeing it, EVERYWHERE! The number 11:11 has been everywhere for me. Justa moment ago I look up and see 11:11 and on the TV at that very moment a big number 1 so there were 5-#1's. look up 11:11 some strange stuff out there. Lately though I've been seeing recurrent numbers as well. 7:07, 7:57, 9:44(twice!) What does it all mean? Probably nothing, maybe divine intervention? Who knows, don't look now but it's 11:22.