Monday, September 14, 2009

FYI!!!! A new Holiday!!!

Mark your calendars NOW! A new holiday is on the calendars. It's called Rick's Day and all those that are my friends will get the day off. All those that aren't will only wish they could be my friend so they to could enjoy a day off. On Rick's day, your job is entitled to pay you double time and a half for being Rick's friend. Check will be paid to you on February 29th that ends in a odd year. Also you are entitled to a free meal at the restaurant of your choosing as Rick's friend of course. Said meal will be paid for by the Federal Govt, hey we pay enough taxes right?

So now aren't you glad your my friend? Oh by the way Rick's Day occurs every October 2nd :-) Hey wait a minute isn't that coming soon?

All hail Rick's Day!!!

Columbus Day is coming yay, yeah right

Several years ago my parents hosted a foreign exchange student. He was from Spain and boy was he a character. He had this thing about Columbus. He believed that it was Columbus that SAVED the New World. It was he that brought civilization to the savages. Uhh, hey Beavis! The Yucatan Penisula was thriving with civilization before he got there. South America also had vast cultures. So if aliens came to Earth and landed in Podunk, USA would they think that ALL people from Earth are a bassawkards as them?

Yes Columbus did "discover" the New World, he did bring horses and the compass but he also brought Syphilis and Small Pox two diseases that had NEVER been on this side of the Earth. Hmm? The natives taught the Spaniards how to survive, just like they did with John Smith in Jamestown. Funny huh , how the savages "saved" the whiteman but the history books all say how it was the white man who saved the poor savages.

Back to the foreign exchange student, he and other Spaniards believe that CORN is for animals and he would NEVER lower himself to eat such a revolting thing. Well your hero had a great way of making him eat corn. I brought out Tortillas. Mmm, estos son muy sabrosos! Que es esos? Son de MAIZ. The look on his face was pricless. He had down about 6 corn tortillas before I told him. I was trying to be mean, but he had really pissed me off.

Come to find out his daddy paid the company to have him come to the US. Foreign Exchange students are upposed to be the cream of the crop right? Well lets just say he was not. He had his buddies send him HASH in the mail. Idiot would smoke outside and then tell my mom I wasn't smoking. She only lived with my dad for ever how was a smoker and had given it up after smoking 20+ years. You think we could smell the smoke emminating from his body? He drew the Spanish flag on the sidewalk of the high school and was appauled when they called my mom to tell her of the "vandalism" She made him scrub and clean it on his KNEES!!! Go Mom!!

So to all you you who have off tomorrow for Columbus Day what are we recognizing? A great discover or a murderer of a great civilization?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Get that phone out of your ear

If this offends you sorry.

A while back I was driving and noticed how many people were talking on the phone either thru bluetooth or with the phone to their head. I also noticed some people with their monster drinks and it made me think of WALL-E. Were they trying to tell us something in the movie? I'm a HUGE proponent for technology, but come on? V has gotten after me for being on Facebook "too much" or sending "tweets" out but some people have taken technology TOO FAR. Our kids can't even think with out their phone in their hands. What ever happened to FACE 2 FACE communication? Yes, the world is better with Twitter and other social networking sites. But NOTHING beats F2F. Also the movie told of these people movers because they were TOO big to move on their own. Hmm?

Friday, September 4, 2009

15 movies that shape my life

Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen movies you've seen that will always stick with you. First fifteen you can recall in no more than fifteen minutes. Tag fifteen friends, including me because I'm interested in seeing what movies my friends choose.

To do this, go to your Notes tab on your profile page, paste rules in a new note, cast your fifteen picks, and tag people in the note -- upper right hand side.) I hope you participate, even if you didn't get tagged!

1. Dazed and Confused <--Alright, alright alright!
2. Sixteen Candles
3. Three Amigos
4. One Crazy Summer
5. Better Off Dead
6. Fletch
7. Starship Troopers
8. Flash Gordon
9. Smokey and the Bandit
10. Vision Quest <--my first R-rated movie
11. Forrest Gump
12. Breakfast Club
13. Weird Science
14. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
15. Karate Kid

Funny how most of the movies on my list are John Hughes movies. I guess I should have moved to Shermer a long time ago. Also strange is how many of these movies have John Cusak in them.

I can give a quote for EVERYONE of these movies!!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Freedom isn't free.

As I said earlier, i needed to really cool of after talking to my Mom. I wasn't upset at her but at her situation. She owns a house in Corpus and rents it under Sec. 8. Personally i feel that our country gives out too much in assistance to those who "need". I feel that our country is in the situation we are in because we give so much. Why do I have to pay taxes so some people can kick back at home collecting a check for nothing. Yes, I pay for unemployment. This is just insurance for just in case I lose my job. But damn people, get a fucking job! there is a man on Bandera Rd who waves at people and holds a sign for a furniture company. Dude has a job, not a very skill intensive job but a job. Unlike some asswipes who voluntarily go unemployment to collect a check. I've worked since I was 15. I even held 5 jobs at once!!!

Back to sec. 8, the renters trashed my mom's house. Section 8 said that the management company ANd my mom were charging the renter TOO MUCH MONEY!!! She friggin lady only pays $70/month!!! WTF!!! I've busted my ass to keep a roof over my head, waten only ramen noddles or mac n cheese for months to make rent.

I asked my mom to find an attorney and get rid of the management company. Pull the house out of sec. 8, screw 'em! If you can afford full rent them you can't afford it. Shit, if I wanted a Ferrari and asked the govt to help me since all I can pay is $50/month and the govt. program will pick up the rest our taxpayers expense. I say BULLSHIT!!! I know I sound hard get rid of govt. assistance programs and guess what...our deficit disappears. BTW Aremaco Inc in Corpus Christi is the management company who is trying to screw my Mom out of money due to their greed. they have NOT been taking care of the house at all.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Rocket Chair

As you can see we moved into a big girl seat. We are no longer using the rocket chair. It makes things a bit more challenging but since she is getting bigger it was getting harder to carry her. She loves that we have to put her in her chair instead of just sling her in the car. She is all smiles.

Today we took our little girl to get her 2 month shots. Oh the pain on her face when they stuck her. Yes, I teared up. She is sleeping now and waking up crying. Poor baby!

Monday, August 3, 2009

This one has me thinking

I've many strange dreams about my Dad. This one has me scratching my head. I was riding in a car which I thought I was driving. We were in Corpus driving to somewhere to eat. I know it was somewhere on North Beach under the bridge or close to it. We found a little place to eat, it had grass parking lot, white picket fence around it. Once inside, everything changed, I was now 18 to 20 something. The girl at the counter was flirting and the owner was very chatty about horse races. Mom and my brother found a little table outside. Dad and I were waiting for the food while the owner was checking the results off the horse races. Some how we had laid a bet down on a race, the owners face was twisted because the results were coming slow. So, I checked out my Iphone, the results were promising. The owner of the restaurant says "you guys... won!" We had picked two horses dead on. #4 first, #5 second and i can't remember third. The owner says we won...ready? $35,000! He said after splitting it 6 ways you get $6000. I'm still trying to figure out the 6 way split but this dream has had me freaking out all morning.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Forth is for our freedom right?

Originally uploaded by rickbar2
I was watching the news and was really upset to hear that fireworks are being banned. I know it hasn't rained in for ever. But dangit if I want to blow my hand off that is my choice. As i watched "the news" they said not all fireworks are banned. You can "buy" them but you have to go to a special place to light them.

Hullo!!! If someone told you that you can buy beer and alcohol but you can drink it at home you have to go to a special place to drink it. What about you can buy a book but you have to read it at the library? What happened to our rights, before you start to scream you may infringe on others rights buy possibly burning someone house down. What if I take every precaution and have my fire extinguisher or mexican version, the manguera?

Why is is ok to drink at home? I could burn myself BBQing holding the beer in my hand. What if I knock the Weber over would I still burn the neighborhood down? Yes, I know I'm reaching but damn, the 4th symbolizes our freedom and all we here is our freedoms being taken away from us.

Happy Fourth of July and Happy Birthday America

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Great Grandpa

Great Grandpa
Originally uploaded by rickbar2
. My grandpa couldn't wait to meet little Isabella. He couldn't make it to the hospital so he had to wait. He was so happy when he was able to finally see her. He also was so happy for me, since I am his eldest grandson. He now has 5 great grand kids with two on the way.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You've got 30 minutes...yeah right

So I said Domino's pissed me off. Here's the whole story...

We must live in a nexus for pizza delivery or something but when I ordered ONLINE we get a call from another Domino's saying "Hi, I'm calling from Domino's you order was called in from another store and we will have your pizza to you in about 30-45 minutes. I also need to get your CC number since we didn't get that info." First time okay, second time I'm upset. Third time...I'm pissed. The little girl tried to explain to me that we are actually in someone else delivery area and that the website has a bug. They tried to tell me that corporate knows and they haven't done anything. I said that is unacceptable. Cancel my order, and with out a hesitation bang it's was gone. We ordered from Rome's pizza, way better pizza and same price.

Lateri get a call from a manager trying to explain that the website is not working properly and that everyone on my street is having the same problem. I said it is the companies problem not mine. We are actually closer to his store than the other they keep calling it in to. I then bring up the whole You've got 30 minute deal. He said it's just a catch phrase and there is no guarantee. So I asked then why do you advertise with it? No response...

Two days go by and what do you know? I get a call from an unknown number so I let it go to voice mail. I check it and it freakin Domino's with a advertisement call. No Freakin' way!! I call after my workout and ask to speak to the manager. They said we were calling our with a special. WTF? I said I'm already pissed off at Domino's and you pull this? The you want me to take you off our call list? My answer...YES!!! I never authorized for me to be put ON the list in the firt place.

Domino's is in a big push right now I say screw them. Go with the little guys around town. They are better anyway. Like I said try Rome's plus they have Mediterranean dishes. Their tzatziki and pita bread are good.

Follow me on twitter @rickbar2

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father's Day

Now that I am a father this means more to me. I wish my father would have been here to see his grand daughter. I miss my father. I hear him everywhere though. I hung his chimes in the back and every night they are singing. Funny thing, I hear them more when I hold Isabella. I only wish that I can be half the father to Isabella that mine was for me.

Give your dad a hug, give him a call, say a little prayer for him.

Happy Father's Day to all.

This is a re post from my old blog.

The hardest thing I've ever had to do

I'm writing this because I have to. It will help me. Two days ago I got a call you never want to hear. My dad died early June 4th, 2007 I'm still in shock! At first I didn't believe it, but still I through all kinds of clothes in a bag while calling my brother so I could make the trip down to Corpus. Now after being on this earth for 35 years I consider myself a grown man. But after having to plan my father's funeral and start to get his affairs in order I would say I have done some growing up. I want to thank my friends and family for their support.

"Rick", Ricky", or "Rick O", was a Jack of all trades and a Joker. He had the greenest of thumbs and could get any plant to grow. It was normal for Rick to buy a newspaper and read every word from front to back. He loved to read. Rick would light a room up with his personality, he could make anyone feel as if they knew him all their life and only just have met him 5 minutes ago. He was also a very generous man. Rick was always helping others. If he felt you needed the shirt off his back, he would have given it to you. He loved the outdoors, and going to "The Ranch" with his brothers, his sons, his nephews and his friends. He loved his family dearly, to him, friends were family. He will truly be missed but not forgotten.

Ricardo Omar Barrera Sr. June 28, 1947 - June 4, 2007

Things you can’t tell by looking at him

I learned how to juggle IN COLLEGE and not Clown College and have taught kids to juggle.

I don't know how to cook for two, better yet, ONE! So it's either for an army or take out.

I'd rather have a house full of family and friends over so I can cook for them.

I can cry at the drop of a hat.

I love to dance and will when cleaning up the house or cooking.

I haven't tried in a while but I used to be able to read and recall the page from where specific text was.

I think the greatest sound in the world is a child's laugh.

I can watch a dance and be able to do it, thanks to Kung fu.

I once had a car accident and checked if my surfboard was okay before the other people, yeah I was young.

Yes, I used to surf, and skateboard and ride dirtbikes, Matt can back me on these.

I almost got arrested because some hillbilly rent cops had nothing better to do. Remember that night Todd?

I can talk to anyone about anything.

I can do gymnastics. Yes, handstands, cartwheels, roundoffs, high bar stuff, parallel bars, some rings. I crashed on back handsprings so working the nerve back up.

I enjoy, not need, a cigar once and while.

I like to play video games but I'm not addicted to them, yes I have "real" friends.

I can stay outside all day.

I love the way wind feels on my face.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Originally uploaded by rickbar2
What a week? But look what I have to show for it. This beautiful little girl. I have always wanted to raise a child and now my wish came true. She is the most important thing in my life.

With her, my photo bug is renewed. All i want to do is take pictures of her. As you can see from my flickr page I have already taken 95 pics. Check out my flickr page at

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.

This has been in my head all morning and it has to be said or I'll explode!!

I've always have loved that line from Yoda. I firmly believe it too, but it is hard to follow. You have to be 100% committed to any endeavor or you will fail. Any hesitation any doubt and failure is there. An excuse is doubt, it is fear of failure

Yoda's view of fear?
Fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate... hate leads to suffering.

We fear failure, so we torment ourselves on the very thing. We create our own suffering. Give in do the very thing that scares the crap out of you. You may astonish yourself of the thing you are able to do. In a scene from Star Wars -The Empire Strikes Back, Luke is doubtful that he can lift the X-Wing, "It's to big" <-excuse! Yoda lifts the X-wing from the muck and says size matters not, shut up dirty minded people. 100% dedication that's it, no excuses, no hesitation, no doubts.

Focus your mind on your task at hand. Get rid of doubt, fear, hesitation, either it's done or it's not. Weight loss, a new diet, learning a language, a new kata, getting on with your life. Don't "try", DO!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Are your feeling smoovy?

Have you heard of 212 degrees? It's a magical number, at 211.99999 degrees water is really hot but at 212 it becomes steam. Steam is an awesome force it can move a train it can create electricity and move mountains.

Well this blog is about another smovement, SMILE+MOVE. it's about being happy and doing something. How do you approach work? With, aw man another day another dollar or Woo hoo, my tps reports are almost done!!! Do you get a case of the mondays or do you say, TGIM! (Thank God its Monday) try that it will freak people out. Go to work this Monday with the same enthusiasm as you did on Friday.
When asked to do something for someone else (friend, family member, colleague, customer) does your YES say "yes, if I have to" or "yes, it would be my pleasure"? Join the smovement!!! BTW 5 weeks to go!!! My prediction is May 25th, that's when my little girl makes her grand appearance.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hot stuff

I was asked to make my famous pico de gallo for tomorrow. I love making it!! I have so much fun, I dance around the kitchen, it's amazing that I haven't lost a finger yet. Oh wait I almost lost part of one one time. It wasn't making pico but I did end up in the emergency room.

I also had a really cool thing happen this Friday. I got to see my little girl. I know that sounds weird when she hasn't even been born yet. We had one of those 3D ultasounds check her out.

She has both feet by her head, and has hair!!! It was the coolest thing. I was crying like a little baby. Of course I would have loved for my father to be there, but he was. I was staring right at him in he face of my little girl.

Happy Easter!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Baby, oh baby!

This weekend was the first of the baby showers. We got some cool stuff the cutest were these little shoes. So cute!!! I'm getting so excited!! It's so funny to think that I'm gonna be a daddy. I know I'm gonna be so protective yet I have to let her grow and explore just like I did.

more to come soon

Sunday, March 22, 2009

No rest for the weary

The weekend is supposed to be for resting. Supposed to sleep late, well later than during the work week. My Saturdays are usually for my classes. Tai chi, kung fu and conditioning, BUT this weekend I had to finish moving out of my old house. Let me say it is very dusty, killed my allergies. Not a fun time since I had to go back later to get the stuff I forgot!! Of did I say that there was so much stuff that it took TWO trucks to get the stuff out. After watering the yard, playing with Toby the Wonder Dog AND cooking dinner it was time for bed.

Had to wake up EARLY again on Sunday but for a better reason. We went to the hospital for tour of the baby area and classes on what to expect when our little girl arrives. I will say I'm a big sap. Watching those videos of the litle babies brought tears to my eyes because I know in a couple of months I will be holding my little girl and wondering what the hell to do. I'm so excited AND scared all at the same time. Going to the hospital today made it all real. I see Venus getting bigger, knowing that our littl girl is growing BUT seeing the room and the little babies in the nursery made it so much more real to me. I know that when I see her for the first time I'm gonna ball like a little baby.

BTW one of my favorite movies is on right know, The Fifth Element


Friday, March 20, 2009

Heavy boots of lead

I feel like I can't walk. My legs are sore, my low back is sore, my chest is sore, holy crap!!! The workout I did was my FIRST non-kung fu workout in about a year.

So to recap:

50 squats
50 push ups
50 window wipers holding a 50lb bar over head
2 sets for time

I did it in 8:16.01 at first i felt like I could have done better or should have done more, then I had the bright idea of having my class do the same workout. I did better than the two that did the workout, one quit not even half way through the other two hit 10 minutes. Woohoo!!! Both are under 20years old made me feel like a god. Then the pain set in this afternoon. It was hard to sit, hard to get out of chairs. Couldn't hold anything right and this was just 8 minutes of exercises!!! I thought about doubling it I am so glad I didn't.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Scary dream

I had a scary dream the other night. If you can call it a dream. I had just found out my Grandpa might have had a small heart attack in the recent past. I went into that dream state just before you fall asleep. Then...I started thinking...what if I had a heart attack? I actually felt a heaviness in my chest, tightness, pain. I started to panic. It was the catalyst to change my thinking. I need to change my diet, exercise more, think more about my health for my daughter. It's time to get my ass in gear. Hey, shit or get off the pot right.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On a roll

I'm tired of hearing of the AIG crap. Where are we living? If I start a new business and it fails can I run to a bank and ask for a handout? Oh, my company is failing because I spent more money than I have. Can you give me a loan so I can do it all again just a cavalier as before. These A-holes at AIG are spending OUR money on bonuses, freakin bonuses!!! Because it was written into thier contracts. Uh, if the govertment hadn't stepped in, you wouldn't have a job super-doucher. these guys should be kissing our feet for saving thier asses. I wonder... how many other companies that recieved a handout are doing the same?
I just got my AIG bonus. Yippie!!!!

Pics on the side

I've always been into taking pictures. A while back I was inspired to "show" my photos. So I started to upload to Flickr. i set this blog to show a slideshow of my pictures. I NEED to take more maybe I'll post here. If you like a picture let me know. Go to my Flickr to see more.

Selling my house

My house was "supposed" to be sold 4 months ago. But, I won't have a house payment and I'm unloading $70K+ off my debt. That will feel good. but i still need to get some stuff out. Couldn't sleep this weekend thinking of ALL the stuff that I still need to get out. Felt kinda weird moving most of my stuff out and seeing my life's accumulations in a storage unit. Felt like I was getting kicked out. Wish i could have sold it for more but this market sucks and I have a buyer, unlike some people who have thier houses sitting for months on the market. But it's finally over I get to breath now.

A blogging we will go...

Feels like forever since I've written a blog. Feels kinda good. I used to be faithful to my blog on MySpace but I gave up on it. Hopefully, no, I will be continue. Keep reading i know this will be a short post but i promise there will be more to come. Oh, BTW, I ran into an exercise group called Crossfit, maybe where I'll go to whip myself into shape. i gotta lose this 20 EXTRA lbs on my chunka.