Friday, October 28, 2011

I think I'm in the wrong business!

The old Army ad said, "We more before 9am than most do all day." I can say that today I lived that slogan. I visited FOUR daycares and picked up paperwork from the Dr.


Our current daycare in my opinion is in decline. When I first moved here we were happy at the amount of money we were saving. The staff was attentive to our daughter. As our family grew, they were very accomodating. The girls were happy. I started noticing some of the people we were very pleased with were leaving. Also seeing a high turnover rate. Hmmm? Clue 1!

In June of this year, Pooks turned 2 which should have decreased our tuition. Our tuition INCREASED? it made sense so we accpted it. Not more than 2MONTHS later there is a notice that rates are INCREASING across the board. WTF? I complained an the Center Director did some calculating showed me a calculator said here's your rate. It was $15/week higher, we grumbled but accepted it. Late September, I'm shown a paper with our tuition on it. A couple of missing payments (I only use my check book in two places) a rate HIGHER and LATE FEES. My face must have been readable from space because the Director immediately said I'll check into this. Time passes. Clue 2!

Yesterday I'm shown a paper with a rate that looks EVEN HIGHER! i'm told "oh that rate is incorrect. I don't know why its like that?". I contain myself from exploding. I send an email stating my disatifaction. Are we encouraged to stay? Was there a, hey lets looks this over? We've cared for your children for over year how can we fix this? No! It's almost like hey pay us what you owe and theres the door!

I know there are good Martial Arts schools out there and bad Martial Arts school out there. I try to be fair wifh all my students. I do not want to make any of them feel as if I am forcing them to choose between me and rent. With that, there are good Day Cares and bad Day Cares. Of the places I went to today, the high was $360/week! That's $1440 a month! WTF?

I think we've decided on what we are doing. Whatever it is it needs o ve done ASAP. The Girlies are going to have an adjstment period. Seems, just when we get a little ahead we get drug back down.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Attention Young Men of America!

While driving The Girlies to school today, I noticed several young men walking to school. Pants sagging, oversized clothes, hats worn wrong. The one that got me, was the dude with skinny jeans sagging! Basically, slobs.

Here's a tip, find a tailor. If you can't find a tailor go to JC Penny's, Dillard's, Men's Warehouse or some other men's SUIT store and get fitted. Yes, every MAN should own a good suit, but the message here is find out your real size. I promise you, women will notice you when you are not tryin to stand out.

If you want people to treat you like a Man, then dress like a Man. If you feel that you're not getting respect, look at how you dress. You only get one chance to make a first impression. You could me the nicest, coolest ct on the block. If you dress like a thug, guess what I'm thinking as you walk up?

While I'm on the subject, a Baseball hat should fit down to the ears. Not resting on the top of the head. The brim should have a bend in it not be flat. The degree of bend is a personal preference, but there should be a bend. Also take the tags OFF! We all know how much a Rangers hat is, leave the tags for Minnie Pearl. Come on young men, step p and be a Man!


Monday, October 10, 2011

What's stopping you?

This is not aimed at any one person. So read it and take from it what you will.

I know I NEED to practice my material. I haven't devoted enough time to my katas as I have in the past.  Why? I have been consumed with tracking stolen items. Material items that can be replaced. Now that I have identified my hurdle it disappears. 

Cochise Stronghold, Arizona
So why the cliff face?  When you first come up to a cliff face it looks daunting. The thought enters your head,  " I can't climb that!" Then with great scrutiny you look and see minute details in the rock. Hand holds, foot holds, cracks and crannys. This is how you overcome a challenge like this.  The only way you can rock climb is one hand hold, one foot hold at a time.  You slowly make your way up the rock. Next thing you know your standing a top looking back saying, "that wasn't that bad!" Same is true with one of our katas. You first see it and say OMG there is no way I can learn that! You practice small pieces with your teacher and slowly your remember more and more.  Then you are one or two moves ahead of your teacher and POW it's yours! 

Fear is a factor in both. Fear is a poison, once it enters, it gets into everything you do. You must banish it from your very being.  It prevents you from learning, from growing, from enjoying YOUR life.  You can live in fear of just about anything OR your can live your life. 

When I saw this part of the movie Apocalypto, I knew I was onto something.  Fear MUST be struck from your heart.  How does fear and Kung Fu connect? I'd bet you that if I said before your next test you must stand in front of the class and give a brief talk about the history of Shaolin Do. Would you be scared? How about if I said I signed you up for a demo at the next tournament with a kata that you haven't learned yet? For those NOT in Kung Fu. What if your supervisor walked up to your work area and said you have a presentation in 15 minutes. Here are the directions to the place. By the way the profitability of the whole company rides on your shoulders.  Ahh, there it is! Fear scratching at you from the inside making you uncomfortable.Your heart sinks you get that metallic taste in your mouth and want to say, "Uh, I don't think I can..."  YES YOU CAN!

You can accomplish ANYTHING! Remeber those hand holds from the cliff face? One step at a time. There is a corny joke I used to tell my 6th grade classes, How do you eat an elephant? they would always say, "eat an elephant?! That's impossible!" My response, "One bite at a time."

Good luck! Remember, it never get's easier. You only get BETTER!